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Priya Radhakrishnan

Losing Weight Safely

There are numerous things to consider before you start on a weight loss journey. If you have medical problems - please consult your doctor before you start.

Start with weighing yourself and find your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMI). Here is a simple calculator

Identify a weight loss goal and take stock of what your habits are. For example, I eat a heart healthy diet - but eat a lot - which is the reason that I put on weight. My body type does best on a low carbohydrate, Mediterranean diet. I love vegetables and fruits – and my challenge is to limit the sugar from fruits.

If you eat a lot of processed foods and TV dinners, then shopping and planning become important. If you don’t really want to cook- picking the TV dinners that are healthier and have limited calories and fats is important. Cut down on soda – diet sodas while calorically fine, can cause increased hunger and defeat the diet. Pandemic life may have reduced your commute, and this may be a good time to learn to put healthy meals together.

For most people, in order to lose weight, you have to reduce intake and increase activity so that your net energy input (calories) are negative 1000 a day.

Download an app to track your progress- I use My Fitness Pal (I have no financial relations with the app) – it's free and apart from annoying pay for premium messages, it's pretty good.

Please stay away from keto diets - they are not good for you in the long term, especially if you have chronic disease. They are effective for short term weight loss. Intermittent fasting has been shown to be effective (if you don’t scarf down three portions when you are hungry).

Restriction of meals to 6-12 hour windows per day or eating normally a few days a week, then radically restricting calories for 2 or 3 days are different forms of intermittent fasting and have been shown to have beneficial metabolic effects as well as weight loss.

Here are some great websites

Let’s start by tracking your weight and your goals. Studies have shown that losing 1-2 pounds a week have a much higher chance of staying off.

By the way - I am down 3 lbs in the last week - Mediterranean plus intermittent fasting!

Good luck!

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